Web Content Collection Form

Please provide good number I can reach you in case I have any questions during the process,

Are you representing a Company? Complete this field with your Company Name. Or, if you are doing business as an Individual, then leave this field blank.

Do you already have a webpage and we are revamping please provide the link to the website below. 

Have you been looking at other websites and like their feel and vibe. Put them here and let me know what you like about each. PLEASE NOTE: I will not Duplicate or Replicate I will use as inspiration ONLY!

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what your organization does. A good elevator pitch should last no longer than a short elevator ride of 20 to 30 seconds, hence the name

Please provide a list of services and their descriptions you can upload a document as well or Copy and paste link to the document below.

Please provide 3-4 testimonials from previous satisfied clients. (Or Copy and paste link to document)

Commonly used fields for contact form: 

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • How Can I help you (List of services you offer)
  • Please provide a brief message
  • social media links

For booking form you may want to ask for information like: 

  • Event Location
  • Topic
  • Event Time and Date
  • # of Guest Attending

If you are a service provider It is always wise to have a calendar where your leads can book a quick call with you to ensure you both are a good fit to work together. If you want to use WIX Booking please put WIX booking in the blank below and I will create the link for you. 

Do you already have a WIX Account? if not please head over to www.Wix.com and create an account.  I will need your email and password to launch your website. If you need help with this please mention I NEED HELP in the blank below.

Please provide the following: 

  1. Domain Name
  2. Domain Provider Name and Website
  3. Username and Password

I need this information to point your domain to your new website. 

If you need help mention I NEED HELP in the blank below. 

Please provide High Quality Images. If the images you provide are not high quality and display blurry they will not be used and I will use Stock Images that represent your brand.